Design Studio
DUDE design Studio supports both small and large businesses in packaging their brands. Our mission is to simplify the process of obtaining assistance for everything required to succeed with one's brand. We specialize in creating concepts — covering everything from idea, logos, and graphic identity to packaging and product presentation.
Skrea Backe Destilleri
Packaging design
Packaging design for the distillery at Skrea Backe in Falkenberg, Sweden. From Dry Gin to Akvavit and Limited editions.
Cashew meetly.
Branding & Packaging design
Visual identity and packaging design for Cashewmeetly. Overall concept. Plant-based meat sold via for example Axfood and Garant in Sweden.
Symbol & Packaging Design
Blomdahl designs and manufactures stylish and skin-friendly jewelry as well as medical instruments for piercing in the ears and nose.
Fredblad Arkitekter
Visual identity
Visual identity for Fredblad Arkitekter. An architectural house in southern Sweden.
Kött och chark
Art Direction & Concept
Visual identity for Kött & Chark Thuresson via Hallands Matgille.
DUDE Boxes
DUDE Packaging brand
DUDE design long-lasting, reusable gift boxes with paper personalities and leather details. Our Dudies can be used in many different ways. Fill the boxes with something pretty, and give them to someone special. Good presents deserve great wrapping. And sustainable wrapping. I’m the gift that keeps giving
Packaging design
Exclusive packaging for IsoVox's own ISOMIC. A microphone with accessories.
Inez & Greta
Art Direction & Concept
Visual identity for The bakery Inez & Greta via Hallands Matgille.